diffendale: Ancient Capua: spoliated tombstone of Caecilia Secunda, C. Torasius and P. Confuleius, 1
diffendale: Ancient Capua: spoliated tombstone of Caecilia Secunda, C. Torasius and P. Confuleius, 2
diffendale: Ancient Capua: spoliated tombstone of Caecilia Secunda, C. Torasius and P. Confuleius, 3
diffendale: Latin funerary inscription of Septima with metrical epitaph
diffendale: Roman aedicule-type tombstone of the couple Gaius Plotius and Vetta Secunda, from Este
diffendale: Roman funerary stele of the praetorian [...]teius Vitalis
diffendale: Roman funerary stele of the praetorian [...]teius Vitalis: detail
diffendale: Tombstone of the praetorian Aurelius Abitus (1)
diffendale: Tombstone of the praetorian Aurelius Abitus (3)
diffendale: Tombstone of the praetorian Aurelius Abitus (2)
diffendale: Tombstone of Dasmenus
diffendale: Roman marble funerary altar of Fabia Stratonice: relief of Anubis-Hermes, detail
diffendale: Roman marble funerary altar of Fabia Stratonice: relief of Anubis-Hermes
diffendale: Roman marble funerary altar of Fabia Stratonice: relief of Osiris, detail
diffendale: Roman marble funerary altar of Fabia Stratonice: relief of Osiris
diffendale: Roman marble funerary altar of Fabia Stratonice: detail of bust
diffendale: Roman marble funerary altar of Fabia Stratonice: detail of inscription
diffendale: Roman marble funerary altar of Fabia Stratonice
diffendale: Dice-players and She-Wolf with the twins, detail from Roman funerary stele of the freedman L. Domitius Virilis, from Augusta Taurinorum
diffendale: Roman funerary stele of the freedman L. Domitius Virilis, from Augusta Taurinorum
diffendale: Tombstone of the freedman C. Julius Pudens
diffendale: Tombstone of Agathopous
diffendale: Grave stelai from the area of Kalamata
diffendale: Roman tombstone from Mértola with cornice and aedicula in relief
diffendale: S. Saba spolia 13: Late Antique epitaph
diffendale: Lecce, Roman amphitheater 16: inscribed tombstone
diffendale: Roman-period grave stele
diffendale: Tombstone of Tiberius Statorius Geminus
diffendale: Tombstone of Tiberius Statorius Geminus
diffendale: Il Cinquecento giallo