diffendale: Etrusco-Corinthian kotyle (skyphos) representing a wolf and a Gorgon from Pontecagnano
diffendale: Roman bronze votive galley prow with Latin inscription in niello
diffendale: Torso of an Etruscan-Roman bronze statue of a she-wolf or lioness from Fiesole
diffendale: Torso of an Etruscan-Roman bronze statue of a she-wolf or lioness from Fiesole: detail of mane modeling
diffendale: Torso of an Etruscan-Roman bronze statue of a she-wolf or lioness from Fiesole: detail of mane
diffendale: Roman sarcophagus of Lucius Caltilius Salutaris
diffendale: Roman sarcophagus of Lucius Caltilius Salutaris: detail
diffendale: Roman sarcophagus of Lucius Caltilius Salutaris: detail of the She-Wolf with Romulus and Remus
diffendale: Dice-players and She-Wolf with the twins, detail from Roman funerary stele of the freedman L. Domitius Virilis, from Augusta Taurinorum
diffendale: Etruscan Wolfman by the Tityos Painter, from Vulci
diffendale: Nikopolis Museum: fragments from Octavian's Victory Monument
diffendale: Romulus and Remus mosaic
diffendale: Vel Tities Vesis