diffendale: Terracotta figurine of the Apis Bull from Lavello, 1
diffendale: Terracotta figurine of the Apis Bull from Lavello, 2
diffendale: The "Catarinella Askos," 1
diffendale: The "Catarinella Askos," 2
diffendale: The "Catarinella Askos," 3
diffendale: The "Catarinella Askos," 4
diffendale: The "Catarinella Askos," 5
diffendale: The "Catarinella Askos," 6
diffendale: The "Catarinella Askos," 7
diffendale: The "Catarinella Askos," 8
diffendale: The "Catarinella Askos," 9
diffendale: The "Catarinella Askos," 10
diffendale: Canosan polychrome oinochoe in the form of a female head from Lavello
diffendale: Bronze shield device (episema) in the form of the Chimera from Melfi, 1
diffendale: Bronze shield device (episema) in the form of the Chimera from Melfi, 2
diffendale: Bronze shield device (episema) in the form of the Chimera from Melfi, 3
diffendale: Bronze shield device (episema) in the form of the Chimera from Melfi, 4