diffendale: The François Vase, 34
diffendale: The François Vase, 35
diffendale: Athenian Red Figure rhyton in the form of a Pygmy carrying a crane
diffendale: Etruscan Black Figure globular cup representing cranes assaulting a pygmy, from Vulci
diffendale: Athenian Red Figure rhyton in the form of a Pygmy carrying a crane
diffendale: Roman bichrome mosaics from a mansio at Fidenae, 7
diffendale: Roman bichrome mosaics from a mansio at Fidenae, 5
diffendale: Roman bichrome mosaics from a mansio at Fidenae, 8
diffendale: Roman bichrome mosaics from a mansio at Fidenae, 3
diffendale: Roman bichrome mosaics from a mansio at Fidenae, 6