diffendale: Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Venezia
diffendale: Ionic plastic balsamarium in the form of a duck
diffendale: Athenian Black Figure lekythos with upright palmettes in Venice
diffendale: Three Athenian Black Figure lekythoi in Venice
diffendale: Athenian Red Figure lekythos representing a Maenad or Thracian woman running with a thyrsus or spit and sickle(?)
diffendale: Athenian Red Figure pelike representing two standing women, one with alabstron, a kalathos between them
diffendale: Athenian Black Gloss Type B skyphos in Venice
diffendale: Athenian Black Gloss skyphos of Corinthian type A in Venice
diffendale: Athenian Black Gloss lamp in Venice
diffendale: Apulian Red Figure hydria representing two women making an offering at a tomb, in Venice
diffendale: Apulian Red Figure lekanis with female heads in profile between palmettes, 1
diffendale: Apulian Red Figure lekanis with female heads in profile between palmettes, 2
diffendale: Apulian Red Figure lekanis with swans between palmettes in Venice
diffendale: Campanian superposed kylix representing a seated satyr holding a drinking horn
diffendale: Campanian Red Figure oinochoe representing a warrior on horseback, 1
diffendale: Campanian Red Figure oinochoe representing a warrior on horseback, 2
diffendale: Campanian Red Figure oinochoe with female head in profile
diffendale: Paestan Red Figure bell krater representing a female figure (maenad) holding wreaths between two altars
diffendale: Apulian or Campanian bombylios with net decoration
diffendale: Apulian or Campanian lekythoi with net decoration
diffendale: Apulian Black Gloss pelike with superposed Gnathia-style decoration representing a dove
diffendale: Apulian Black Gloss trefoil oinochoe with superposed Gnathia-style decoration representing Eros and a dove, 1
diffendale: Apulian Black Gloss trefoil oinochoe with superposed Gnathia-style decoration representing Eros and a dove, 2
diffendale: Apulian Black Gloss skyphos with superposed Gnathia-style decoration of shoots
diffendale: Apulian Black Gloss alabastron with superposed white net decoration
diffendale: Apulian Black Gloss epichysis with superposed vegetal decoration
diffendale: Campanian Black Gloss lekythoi (one squat) in Venice
diffendale: Campanian Black Gloss trefoil oinochoe in Venice
diffendale: Apulian Black Gloss kylix with stamped radial palmettes in Venice
diffendale: Apulian Black Gloss guttus in Venice