diffendale: Athenian Red Figure lekythos representing a Maenad or Thracian woman running with a thyrsus or spit and sickle(?)
diffendale: Athenian Red Figure pelike representing two standing women, one with alabstron, a kalathos between them
diffendale: Athenian Black Figure lekythos with upright palmettes in Venice
diffendale: Athenian Black Gloss skyphos of Corinthian type A in Venice
diffendale: Athenian Black Gloss lamp in Venice
diffendale: Apulian Black Gloss skyphos with superposed Gnathia-style decoration of shoots
diffendale: Upper-Adriatic ware (Alto-adriatica) lekanis with female profile heads between palmettes, 1
diffendale: Upper-Adriatic ware (Alto-adriatica) lekanis with female profile heads between palmettes, 2