diffendale: Apulian Red Figure bell krater representing Orpheus among the Thracians, 1
diffendale: Apulian Red Figure bell krater representing Orpheus among the Thracians, 2
diffendale: Roman relief representing Orpheus and Eurydice, with Hermes as psychopomp: detail 3
diffendale: Roman relief representing Orpheus and Eurydice, with Hermes as psychopomp: detail 1
diffendale: Roman relief representing Orpheus and Eurydice, with Hermes as psychopomp
diffendale: Volubilis: House of Orpheus
diffendale: LM IIIB pyxis with lyre-player from Kalami (4)
diffendale: LM IIIB pyxis with lyre-player from Kalami (3)
diffendale: LM IIIB pyxis with lyre-player from Kalami (2)
diffendale: LM IIIB pyxis with lyre-player from Kalami (1)
diffendale: Orpheus in peperino
diffendale: Orpheus and capitals
diffendale: Orpheus (detail)
diffendale: Orpheus from Aegina
diffendale: Orpheus attacked