diffendale: Fragment of a Buddhist stone relief from Sanchi-Kognabanda
diffendale: Gandharan head of a Boddhisattva, 2
diffendale: Gandharan head of a Boddhisattva, 1
diffendale: Gandhara schist seated winged "Atlas" figure
diffendale: Gandhara schist stele with relief depicting Siddhartha at the Bodhi Tree with Mara
diffendale: Gandhara schist relief depicting musicians, with a Corinthian column
diffendale: Gandhara schist relief depicting a bacchanalian procession, with Corinthian columns
diffendale: Gandhara schist relief depicting wine consumption, with a Corinthian column
diffendale: Gandhara schist relief depicting wine consumption: detail
diffendale: Gandhara schist relief depicting a Bacchanalian procession: detail
diffendale: Gandhara stone corbel with relief representing musicians
diffendale: Gandhara terracotta figurine ("fertility goddess"?)
diffendale: Gandhara steatite lid with relief representing a lion combat
diffendale: Fragmentary female figurine
diffendale: Indian ivory statuette of a female figure from Pompeii, 3
diffendale: Indian ivory statuette of a female figure from Pompeii, 5
diffendale: Indian ivory statuette of a female figure from Pompeii, 6
diffendale: Indian ivory statuette of a female figure from Pompeii, 2: detail of top
diffendale: Indian ivory statuette of a female figure from Pompeii, 1
diffendale: Sandstone balluster with relief representing a salabhanjika (woman grasping a branch)
diffendale: Indian ivory statuette of a female figure from Pompeii, 4