diffendale: exhibition "Fidenae alla Porta di Roma"
diffendale: Roman terracotta antefix representing a togate figure seated on a galley
diffendale: Roman terracotta "Campana" plaque representing Nereids on hippocamps
diffendale: Roman small marble head of Jupiter from Castel Giubileo
diffendale: Roman Thin Walled two-handled bowl from Fidenae
diffendale: Roman bronze bell (tintinnabulum) from Fidenae
diffendale: Roman Black Gloss jug from Fidenae
diffendale: Roman terracotta votive breast from Fidenae
diffendale: Roman terracotta veiled female half head from Fidenae
diffendale: Roman glass vial from Fidenae
diffendale: Roman lead-glazed two-spouted oil lamp from Fidenae
diffendale: Roman bichrome mosaics from a mansio at Fidenae, 8
diffendale: Roman bichrome mosaics from a mansio at Fidenae, 7
diffendale: Roman bichrome mosaics from a mansio at Fidenae, 6
diffendale: Roman bichrome mosaics from a mansio at Fidenae, 5
diffendale: Roman bichrome mosaics from a mansio at Fidenae, 4: detail of ithyphallic mule laden with amphorae
diffendale: Roman bichrome mosaics from a mansio at Fidenae, 3
diffendale: Roman bichrome mosaics from a mansio at Fidenae, 2
diffendale: Roman bichrome mosaics from a mansio at Fidenae, 1