diffendale: Sarcophagus "of the Magistrate" from Caere, 11
diffendale: Sarcophagus "of the Magistrate" from Caere, 10
diffendale: Sarcophagus "of the Magistrate" from Caere, 9
diffendale: Sarcophagus "of the Magistrate" from Caere, 8
diffendale: Sarcophagus "of the Magistrate" from Caere, 7
diffendale: Sarcophagus "of the Magistrate" from Caere, 6
diffendale: Sarcophagus "of the Magistrate" from Caere, 5
diffendale: Sarcophagus "of the Magistrate" from Caere, 4
diffendale: Sarcophagus "of the Magistrate" from Caere, 3
diffendale: Sarcophagus "of the Magistrate" from Caere, 2
diffendale: Sarcophagus "of the Magistrate" from Caere, 1
diffendale: Samian transport amphora (Type A-GRE Sam5)
diffendale: Corinthian transport amphora (A-GRE CorA1; Koehler Type A)
diffendale: Chian transport amphora (A-GRE CHI2)
diffendale: Genucilia plates from Cerveteri
diffendale: Etruscan Red Figure oinochoe by the American Academy Painter
diffendale: Etruscan Red Figure type VII oinochoe from Cerveteri-Banditaccia
diffendale: Etruscan Red Figure type VII oinochoai from Cerveteri-Banditaccia
diffendale: Ricci Hydria: Thetis and Eos before Zeus weighing the souls of their sons
diffendale: Ricci Hydria: the introduction of Herakles to Olympos by Hebe
diffendale: Ricci Hydria: labyrinth or tapestry?
diffendale: Ricci Hydria: Achilles and Memnon duelling
diffendale: Ricci Hydria: youths with bellows(?), dismembered goat
diffendale: Ricci Hydria: two youths spitting meat
diffendale: Ricci Hydria: youth tending a lebes and two youths at a kneading table
diffendale: Ricci Hydria: youths ladling from amphora and tending a lebes
diffendale: Ricci Hydria: flaming altar with osphus and three splanchnoptai
diffendale: Ricci Hydria: priest, auletes, and youth approaching altar
diffendale: Ricci Hydria: butchering a goat, 3
diffendale: Ricci Hydria: butchering a goat, 2