diffendale: Misfired ceramics from the potters' quarter of Croton, 2
diffendale: Misfired ceramics from the potters' quarter of Croton, 1
diffendale: Terracotta kiln-spacers from the potters' quarter of Croton
diffendale: Potters' tools
diffendale: ΛΑΣΑΝΑ: Pot props
diffendale: Ceramic kiln test block from Samothrace
diffendale: Ceramic kiln test blocks from Samothrace
diffendale: Terracotta mold for an askos in the form of a dove from the potters' quarter of Croton
diffendale: Half of a clay mold for a figurine of a horse, from Taranto (MANN 264729)
diffendale: Fragmentary terracotta mold for producing a female head, with modern cast, from Taranto
diffendale: Terracotta mold for producing a votive relief of a man reclining on a kline from Taranto
diffendale: Roman terracotta mold for a terra sigillata bowl from Colchester
diffendale: Etrusco-Roman terracotta mold for an antefix, 3: detail
diffendale: Etrusco-Roman terracotta mold for an antefix, 1
diffendale: Etrusco-Roman terracotta mold for an antefix, 2: detail
diffendale: Roman terracotta mold for terra sigillata production
diffendale: Roman terracotta mold for terra sigillata production
diffendale: Roman terracotta molds for terra sigillata production, from Torrita
diffendale: Upper valve of a lamp mold in stucco, with Chi-Rho motif
diffendale: Nabataean ceramic casserole dish with lid
diffendale: "Ceramic production center" at Pantanello in the territory of Metaponto, 2: kiln
diffendale: "Ceramic production center" at Pantanello in the territory of Metaponto, 3: kiln
diffendale: "Ceramic production center" at Pantanello in the territory of Metaponto, 4: kiln
diffendale: "Ceramic production center" at Pantanello in the territory of Metaponto, 5: kiln
diffendale: "Ceramic production center" at Pantanello in the territory of Metaponto, 6: kiln lining
diffendale: "Ceramic production center" at Pantanello in the territory of Metaponto, 7: kiln entrance
diffendale: "Ceramic production center" at Pantanello in the territory of Metaponto, 8: apotropaic phallus at entrance to kiln
diffendale: Model of an ancient Greek kiln from Locri
diffendale: Model of a Roman ceramic kiln
diffendale: Model of a Roman amphora kiln