diffendale: Fragment of a handmade terracotta statuette of a rider from Croton
diffendale: Terracotta figure of a kouros from Croton
diffendale: Terracotta Gorgon's-head antefix from Croton
diffendale: Ionian cup from Croton
diffendale: Fragment of a terracotta sima with anthemion frieze from Croton
diffendale: Terracotta statuette of a kore from Croton
diffendale: Roman inscribed clay bullae from Croton
diffendale: Pitcher with erotic scene in dilute red from Croton
diffendale: Miniature terracotta of a nude female figure leaning on a pillar
diffendale: Miniature terracotta figure of a masked actor from Croton
diffendale: Fragments of Italiote Red Figure krater with phlyax scene from Croton
diffendale: Miniature terracotta of a nude female figure from Croton
diffendale: Miniature bronze figurine of a light-armed warrior with shield, belt, and sword scabbard, 2
diffendale: Miniature bronze figurine of a light-armed warrior with shield, belt, and sword scabbard, 1
diffendale: Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Crotone, ground floor
diffendale: Miniature bronze chariot from Croton
diffendale: Greek bronze mirror handle in the form of a female figure from Croton
diffendale: Athenian Black Figure amphora representing Herakles in combat with Amazons
diffendale: Greek miniature terracotta figure group of a birth scene, 4
diffendale: Greek miniature terracotta figure group of a birth scene, 3
diffendale: Greek miniature terracotta figure group of a birth scene, 2
diffendale: Greek miniature terracotta figure group of a birth scene, 1
diffendale: Greek miniature terracotta female head wearing low polos, from Croton
diffendale: Greek miniature terracotta female head wearing low polos with fugitive polychromy, from Croton
diffendale: Greek Black Gloss oil-lamps from Croton
diffendale: Fragment of a terracotta figurine of a reclining bearded man from Croton
diffendale: Athenian Red Figure lekythos representing Apollo Citharoedus and female figure, 2
diffendale: Athenian Red Figure lekythos representing Apollo Citharoedus and female figure, 1
diffendale: Misfired ceramics from the potters' quarter of Croton, 2
diffendale: Misfired ceramics from the potters' quarter of Croton, 1