diffendale: Roman bronze figurine (of Hermaphroditus? Narcissus?) holding a folding mirror
diffendale: Roman pipeclay statuette of a mother goddess from Welwyn
diffendale: Roman bronze oil flask with head motif
diffendale: Roman bronze oil flask in the form of a young sleeping slave
diffendale: Roman bronze figurine of a Lar Familiaris from Lakenheath
diffendale: Roman bronze plumb-bob from Viroconium
diffendale: Roman-period bracket fungus from Stonea Grange
diffendale: Roman-period spruce cone from Stonea Grange
diffendale: Roman bronze votive galley prow with Latin inscription in niello
diffendale: Roman terracotta floor tile with incised design of a lighthouse
diffendale: Roman bronze stud with millefiori enamel decoration
diffendale: Roman terracotta mold for a terra sigillata bowl from Colchester
diffendale: Central Gaulish terra sigillata ("Samian ware") vase with barbotine decoration of a hound pursuing a hare
diffendale: Fragment of wall plaster with graffito design of architecture
diffendale: Central Gaulish glazed ware flagon from Colchester
diffendale: Roman face-pot cinerary urn from Colchester
diffendale: The Uley Mercury
diffendale: Roman face-pot with painted dedication to Mercury