diffendale: "Melian" terracotta plaque representing Bellerophon on Pegasus fighting the Chimera
diffendale: Chimaera
diffendale: Archaic globular aryballoi
diffendale: Etruscan Black Figure amphora with representation of chimera and athletes: rampant chimera
diffendale: Sabellic bronze disc-cuirass from Picene territory now in Bologna
diffendale: Greek gilt-silver kylix with tondo representing Bellerophon on Pegasos fighting the Chimaera
diffendale: Late Roman openwork ivory panel representing Bellerophon on Pegasus in combat with the Chimaera
diffendale: Apulian Red Figure volute krater with scenes from the life of Bellerophon, 5
diffendale: Apulian Red Figure volute krater with scenes from the life of Bellerophon, 4
diffendale: Apulian Red Figure volute krater with scenes from the life of Bellerophon, 3
diffendale: Apulian Red Figure volute krater with scenes from the life of Bellerophon, 2
diffendale: Apulian Red Figure volute krater with scenes from the life of Bellerophon, 1
diffendale: Bronze shield device (episema) in the form of the Chimera from Melfi, 1
diffendale: Bronze shield device (episema) in the form of the Chimera from Melfi, 2
diffendale: Bronze shield device (episema) in the form of the Chimera from Melfi, 3
diffendale: Bronze shield device (episema) in the form of the Chimera from Melfi, 4
diffendale: Dinos, with stand, representing Bellerophon on Pegasus in combat with the Chimera, from Incoronata, 1
diffendale: Dinos, with stand, representing Bellerophon on Pegasus in combat with the Chimera, from Incoronata, 2
diffendale: Dinos, with stand, representing Bellerophon on Pegasus in combat with the Chimera, from Incoronata, 3