Everyday @dventures: 94. Get my face on an m&m
Everyday @dventures: 87. Take Rose to see the ocean
Everyday @dventures: 84. Graduate high school
Everyday @dventures: Rose and Nico
Everyday @dventures: 69. Finish my book
Everyday @dventures: A day in the life of..
Everyday @dventures: 62. Learn ballet
Everyday @dventures: My baby, my prodigy
Everyday @dventures: 61. Go horse back riding
Everyday @dventures: Say butter face!
Everyday @dventures: 102. Go to Disney Land
Everyday @dventures: Jenny Mae's shoes
Everyday @dventures: Pretty Rose
Everyday @dventures: My feet hurt
Everyday @dventures: One of the pretty ones
Everyday @dventures: 135. Learn to 2 step