Everyday @dventures: 1. Rid Myself of Material Possessions
Everyday @dventures: 2. Let Go and Move on
Everyday @dventures: 3. Stay Overnight on a Beach
Everyday @dventures: 4. Meet Mister Lightening
Everyday @dventures: Spend 5. Straight Hours in Wal-Mart
Everyday @dventures: 6. Learn Archery
Everyday @dventures: 7. Visit a Commune
Everyday @dventures: 8. Beat Every Zelda Game
Everyday @dventures: 9. Go to France and Speak French
Everyday @dventures: 10. Go Backpacking
Everyday @dventures: 11. Own a wild animal
Everyday @dventures: 12. Be there for someone who really needed me
Everyday @dventures: 13. Get a Frog
Everyday @dventures: 14. Jump off a rope into water
Everyday @dventures: 15. Learn to shoot a shot gun in case of zombie invasion
Everyday @dventures: 16. Try quiche
Everyday @dventures: 17. Make a dress with my bare hands
Everyday @dventures: 18. Take a ship to another country
Everyday @dventures: 19. Go to Scotland with my best buddy
Everyday @dventures: 20. Adopt a Child
Everyday @dventures: 21. Go to a drive-in movie
Everyday @dventures: 22. See what happens when you put a fork in the microwave
Everyday @dventures: 23. Make fireworks
Everyday @dventures: 24. Have an Epic Adventure
Everyday @dventures: 25. Rescue an animal
Everyday @dventures: 26. Learn a different language
Everyday @dventures: 27. Go to art school
Everyday @dventures: 28. Learn to play the drums
Everyday @dventures: 29. Learn to skateboard
Everyday @dventures: 30. Date a guy in a band, preferably a drummer