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House in Boca Chavon
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Artist's Gate in Boca Chavon Village
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Path Along the River Chavon
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Boca Chavon House with Raised Roof
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Boats at Boca Chavon
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View of village from edge of Casa de Campo
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Cliffs over the Chavon River – on the way to the village
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Contemporary design in Boca Chavon Village
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A house constructed by the wattle and daub method
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A gate composed of thin branches
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Little house by the sea
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Boca Chavon house with a high tech rock wall.
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Boca Chavon children
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View across the river to the edge of Casa de Campo
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Imagine a marina and yacht club here
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Road from Altos
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Walking to Minitas
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Guard Post at the Minitas to Altos Road
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Daisy on the path to Chavon Beach
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Villa on Calle Punta Minitas
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Village of Boca Chavon – a house on the point
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People walking along the river path in Boca Chavon village
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Boats at Boca Chavon
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Daisy on Chavon beach point with fish
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Fishing with a net – Restaurant on Chavon River
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10 Imagine a marina and yacht club here
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09 View across the river to the edge of Casa de Campo
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08 Boca Chavon children
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07 Boca Chavon house with a high tech rock wall.
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06 Little house by the sea