Dan_DC: galley, Delta Airlines
Dan_DC: United Airlines flight between London and Washington, D.C.
Dan_DC: Citiwide Storage Queens
Dan_DC: Diamond District, Manhattan
Dan_DC: IMG_5450
Dan_DC: NYC subway
Dan_DC: knish bakery, Houston Street, NYC
Dan_DC: 8th Ave., NYC
Dan_DC: for flying
Dan_DC: Tribeca, NYC
Dan_DC: Hunter College Building on W. 41st Street, Manhattan
Dan_DC: New York NY
Dan_DC: New York NY
Dan_DC: E Train to the World Trade Center
Dan_DC: Brighton Beach, Brooklyn
Dan_DC: Lever House
Dan_DC: A view down 41st Street, Manhattan
Dan_DC: Brighton Beach Station, B'lyn
Dan_DC: Peter Cooper Village/Stuyvesant Town
Dan_DC: Madison Square Park
Dan_DC: Polish bakery,Greenpoint, Brooklyn
Dan_DC: Madison Avenue
Dan_DC: 1221 Avenue of the Americas (6 Av.), the former McGraw-Hill Building
Dan_DC: Delta Gate Alpha 69, DTW
Dan_DC: Amtrak
Dan_DC: Galley
Dan_DC: Faygo Pop, Detroit
Dan_DC: Takeoff, DCA
Dan_DC: Hotel
Dan_DC: hotel room, Tucson