Dancing Crow: Shell Canyon River detail
Dancing Crow: Copper River detail
Dancing Crow: black stone river
Dancing Crow: Black Stone River detail
Dancing Crow: black stone river detail 2
Dancing Crow: upload
Dancing Crow: upload
Dancing Crow: feeeesh
Dancing Crow: tax frenzy, plus extra paperwork and filing
Dancing Crow: upload
Dancing Crow: April 12, except I forgot to put $$!$? In the bottom corner as well as ?? and !!
Dancing Crow: tiny fishies...
Dancing Crow: Yesterday was... full.
Dancing Crow: new fishies, next project
Dancing Crow: 50 fish, done. some are ghost fishes
Dancing Crow: What do you call a fish with no eyes? Fsh.
Dancing Crow: upload
Dancing Crow: this is what I do with potato mashers
Dancing Crow: yes, I DO have a dozen potato mashers. why are you surprised?
Dancing Crow: Me and LaxMom find ALL THE MUSEUMS at Harvard
Dancing Crow: it's glass ...
Dancing Crow: upload
Dancing Crow: April 5
Dancing Crow: aaand started something new
Dancing Crow: done!!
Dancing Crow: April 4th
Dancing Crow: upload
Dancing Crow: upload
Dancing Crow: April 3
Dancing Crow: arriving to crocuses