Dancing Crow: looove
Dancing Crow: the love
Dancing Crow: aerin modelling
Dancing Crow: sunset
Dancing Crow: still life
Dancing Crow: sustenance
Dancing Crow: pelican
Dancing Crow: white heron
Dancing Crow: baby shark
Dancing Crow: days 2 and 3
Dancing Crow: sombrero light/reef
Dancing Crow: pelican close
Dancing Crow: sailing, Florida Bay
Dancing Crow: self portrait may 2011
Dancing Crow: odd stepped thing
Dancing Crow: family support
Dancing Crow: sisters
Dancing Crow: zomgwtfbbq
Dancing Crow: Rozi adjusts things
Dancing Crow: eyeroll as Rozi continues to adjust
Dancing Crow: little snails of hair
Dancing Crow: bless Rozi
Dancing Crow: ready steady the tree fell down go
Dancing Crow: really the tree fell down
Dancing Crow: and toes prepared for mud
Dancing Crow: tree still fallen down
Dancing Crow: one boat
Dancing Crow: second boat