caitlin_breanne101: ...too bad they broke up.
caitlin_breanne101: jordan, b&w.
caitlin_breanne101: tyler, tyler, tyler, and um, tyler.
caitlin_breanne101: I really should have
caitlin_breanne101: "It's Cold out Der, Junyor."
caitlin_breanne101: There comes a time
caitlin_breanne101: Nothing is
caitlin_breanne101: Boomer-Best.
caitlin_breanne101: and when the music is loud,
caitlin_breanne101: it's a personal favorite.
caitlin_breanne101: Yeah, its her..
caitlin_breanne101: [soon to be] brother-in-law.
caitlin_breanne101: he can...levitate?
caitlin_breanne101: he thinks he is...
caitlin_breanne101: "If my sleeves were a bit tighter...
caitlin_breanne101: I don't know about you...
caitlin_breanne101: Hot, dang.
caitlin_breanne101: [Cheesy title here]
caitlin_breanne101: [keithy] Rocks.