Dana Shmaena:
Leaving Tuta Marina
Dana Shmaena:
A last nurse before leaving
Dana Shmaena:
Raquel and Eddy
Dana Shmaena:
Isabelle and Eddy at Burdwood bay
Dana Shmaena:
In the sun tent. Thanks Lisa!
Dana Shmaena:
Rocks are good for teething, no?
Dana Shmaena:
Omi and Eddy
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Shoulder ride
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All in a boat!
Dana Shmaena:
The obligatory eating sand picture
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Snuggles for Raquel
Dana Shmaena:
Snuggles with mom. Lisa, recognize the blanket?
Dana Shmaena:
With big cousin Stanley
Dana Shmaena:
Eddy, Eli, Isabelle and Cabrin.
Dana Shmaena:
Hanging with the kids 1
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Hanging with the kids 2
Dana Shmaena:
Happy in the tent
Dana Shmaena:
Showing off the new teeth
Dana Shmaena:
With Rachael and Eli
Dana Shmaena:
Cozy thanks to Barb and Jon, for the awesome jacket, and Aunt Denise for the tuque!
Dana Shmaena:
With Aunty Rach
Dana Shmaena:
Sunset at Escalante 1
Dana Shmaena:
Sunset at Escallante 3
Dana Shmaena:
Sunset at Escallante 2
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Sunset at Escallante 4
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Sunset at Escallante 6
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Sunset at Escallante 5
Dana Shmaena:
Dana Shmaena:
Morning at Escalante 1
Dana Shmaena:
Morning at Escalante 2