blindkosmik: Paper Wasp Nest
blindkosmik: Sparkler
blindkosmik: Token Creek 4th of July Celebration 6
blindkosmik: Token Creek 4th of July Celebration 7 - Two Little Girls and Their Puppy
blindkosmik: AAHHHH Cutiness Overload
blindkosmik: Rainbow
blindkosmik: Sno-Cone
blindkosmik: The Clouds
blindkosmik: Community Garden Plots
blindkosmik: Bugs on a Stump
blindkosmik: Mallards Game
blindkosmik: The Dells
blindkosmik: Act 8 Closing Ceremony
blindkosmik: Last Day of Act 8
blindkosmik: 3 Little Droplets
blindkosmik: Lone Tree
blindkosmik: Bratfest Crowd
blindkosmik: Vegan Brat at Brat Fest
blindkosmik: Cookin' Vegan Brats in the Foreground
blindkosmik: Rusted Slide
blindkosmik: Wisconsin Farm Landscape
blindkosmik: "What gives you the right to put up a fence to keep me out or to keep mother nature in? If God was here, he'd tell you to your face, man you're some kinda sinner." - "Signs" written by Les Emmerson and performed by Five Man Electrical Band
blindkosmik: Man-Made Rainbow
blindkosmik: Sunflower
blindkosmik: Monarch Butterfly
blindkosmik: Wind Power In The Background
blindkosmik: Friends of Orton Park
blindkosmik: Up Close Hoops
blindkosmik: Yellow Watermelon