Dana Goldstein: Justin at Borough Park subway stop
Dana Goldstein: View of Empire State Bldng from Borough Park
Dana Goldstein: Thank you Jeremy and Daniel!
Dana Goldstein: Church near Pratt
Dana Goldstein: Claire on Pratt campus
Dana Goldstein: Claire in the subway station
Dana Goldstein: Our scenic local supermarket
Dana Goldstein: Local firehouse
Dana Goldstein: Get your pigeons in order
Dana Goldstein: WWI Memorial
Dana Goldstein: Crossing Eastern Parkway
Dana Goldstein: Local Episcopal Church
Dana Goldstein: Coffee shop near Ft. Hamilton Parkway F stop
Dana Goldstein: Upside down
Dana Goldstein: IMG_2670.JPG
Dana Goldstein: IMG_2669.JPG
Dana Goldstein: Februrary thaw
Dana Goldstein: Around the corner
Dana Goldstein: Our block
Dana Goldstein: Our house