The_Lyricist: Guitar solo
The_Lyricist: Caterpillar music
The_Lyricist: Pylons
The_Lyricist: Broadcasting tower, Leeds
The_Lyricist: Funky pool
The_Lyricist: Game over
The_Lyricist: Drinking with Arisa
The_Lyricist: Leeds at night
The_Lyricist: Arisa 有沙
The_Lyricist: Drinking with Tim
The_Lyricist: Mobile phones
The_Lyricist: Nao 尚
The_Lyricist: Tim and Nigel play guitar
The_Lyricist: Nao watching the world cup
The_Lyricist: Nigel Passey playing the guitar
The_Lyricist: Shrouded
The_Lyricist: Red wine
The_Lyricist: St Bart's at sunset, Leeds
The_Lyricist: Overhead, Leeds
The_Lyricist: Lights / ライト
The_Lyricist: Leeds nightscape
The_Lyricist: Masahide
The_Lyricist: Daniel Clark