DaMongMan: "Hi"
DaMongMan: Shot of a shot for a background of an Auntie and King
DaMongMan: Chill'd Walk
DaMongMan: Esteemed of these three...
DaMongMan: "Look GrandPa, I can drive!"
DaMongMan: "Can you see me dad?"
DaMongMan: "My two amigos..."
DaMongMan: "The sun is warm today..."
DaMongMan: Learning Exposure...
DaMongMan: King and Ma, low light...
DaMongMan: My family at the park...
DaMongMan: A walk at the waterfront...
DaMongMan: Parker and Herbie aren't real animals...
DaMongMan: Mo-Unc Jeff aka The Dark Angel!
DaMongMan: "Mom and I got close!"
DaMongMan: My mom came up to visit.
DaMongMan: Reflection...
DaMongMan: Some guy...
DaMongMan: "Hyeeee Yeeeaaaa!"
DaMongMan: Rise...
DaMongMan: Ok, off on an adventure!
DaMongMan: That night was about a foot of snow...
DaMongMan: Melissa Mong aka Sunny
DaMongMan: Little Family
DaMongMan: Christmas 2009 - The Mongs 熊系列
DaMongMan: Me and my son, King!
DaMongMan: "At my grandpas book signing..."
DaMongMan: This is Kings favorite uncle!
DaMongMan: On the 26th, Santa is tired!
DaMongMan: ~ Triple T ~