damonabnormal: taking in the show
damonabnormal: you will be assimilated
damonabnormal: Stikman in a box
damonabnormal: Tall & Skinny
damonabnormal: Pandemic window setup : a closeup
damonabnormal: as seen from behind the Giant Stikman...
damonabnormal: Pandemic Gallery @ 11PM Friday night
damonabnormal: myself @ the show....
damonabnormal: Stikman Cairn... or Stikman JENGA?
damonabnormal: Megalomaniacal 'Giant Stikman' observes a plane in flight
damonabnormal: ...with the madness
damonabnormal: Cash4 and Stikman chillin'
damonabnormal: scene of madness / congested
damonabnormal: 3-D works #2 // "Nailed From Behind"
damonabnormal: going up...?
damonabnormal: the scene @ Pandemic around 10:30PM
damonabnormal: towering over you...
damonabnormal: Oh how I W A N T E D that big pc soooooooo bad