damonabnormal: I once read something about two heads being better than one...
damonabnormal: laughing all the way to the bank
damonabnormal: Buildmore
damonabnormal: grinnin
damonabnormal: BurochowVSbuildmore.jpg
damonabnormal: BAO))TOM
damonabnormal: Not quite buffed...
damonabnormal: if you have two you must share...
damonabnormal: evidence of a forthcoming cylon invasion...
damonabnormal: Big Boy likes a puff puff pass before killin' a burger
damonabnormal: Boruchow FreshMelt Buildmore & Sons : Since 1954
damonabnormal: Hiya toots!
damonabnormal: the eyes have it
damonabnormal: pompadour
damonabnormal: bringin' it
damonabnormal: still rockin' that pompadour
damonabnormal: got my eye(s) on you
damonabnormal: 'Buildsy' installation in Old City
damonabnormal: you know how some eyes just seem to follow you?
damonabnormal: Happy the man
damonabnormal: friends of P
damonabnormal: Buildsy
damonabnormal: buildmore
damonabnormal: Buildsy Foamer
damonabnormal: this little piggy is in hiding
damonabnormal: Buildsy