damonabnormal: El toro vs. Krispy
damonabnormal: frikkity & frakkity re-unite!
damonabnormal: Like I have sooo not a clue what the fuck this is all about. (but it's tight)
damonabnormal: ghostface killa
damonabnormal: protection advised
damonabnormal: .............|||...................
damonabnormal: green&blue
damonabnormal: the creatures, well they are angry...
damonabnormal: saddness vs foreboding doom
damonabnormal: "lick it if you like it"
damonabnormal: no love in this city I am afraid.... now move along!
damonabnormal: foohkin' shine on mate... cheers!
damonabnormal: heya rocky, wanna get some krispy kremez?
damonabnormal: after the SEPTA Rt.21 ran their asses over they came back as ghosts to haunt all on that route...
damonabnormal: dental issues...?
damonabnormal: underwear
damonabnormal: Fuckthistheme
damonabnormal: hanging about(and freezing their asses off)
damonabnormal: Get yer nasty outta my face!
damonabnormal: seeking patience from the divine master
damonabnormal: you better 'watch your mouth' young man
damonabnormal: put 'em in the air and wave 'em like you just don't care!!!
damonabnormal: DONT FUCK WITH US YO!!! We be NUTS and shit....
damonabnormal: Express
damonabnormal: (up)Weekly
damonabnormal: stickerfreakz!
damonabnormal: Happy 2 Cu 2 lil Buddy
damonabnormal: 'box slap-fest 2011'
damonabnormal: anytime