damonabnormal: visible signs of schizophrenia (aka - all these little monsters were egging me on... I swear!)
damonabnormal: fruits born of collaboration
damonabnormal: robots dont suffer dogs
damonabnormal: she had the feeling things were looking up
damonabnormal: a little perspective
damonabnormal: that dog is everywhere i go!
damonabnormal: that damn bad dog just wont shut up
damonabnormal: getbent gents
damonabnormal: all wet n stuff...
damonabnormal: bad dog love kitties?!
damonabnormal: the SUM=ALL
damonabnormal: Bad Dash... !
damonabnormal: that dog may be faded but he is still one bad dog!
damonabnormal: No Hate...
damonabnormal: suspicions of suspicious characters hanging about
damonabnormal: red devils and bad doggies
damonabnormal: bad-dogapillar
damonabnormal: town crier
damonabnormal: Bad Dog wishes he could have a bone!?
damonabnormal: well.......... some do and some don't.
damonabnormal: the takeover
damonabnormal: Bad Dog freaks out over the impending doom coming over him and R2F while Krispy is all but gone already
damonabnormal: woodblockin' crew