damonabnormal: all wet n stuff...
damonabnormal: 1 2 3 4.... the cat in the hat is upon the door
damonabnormal: CIPRO_bw treatment
damonabnormal: the until now unknown brother of Juan Valdez
damonabnormal: Wizard of Frankford Ave
damonabnormal: Dough Boy
damonabnormal: CIPROend?
damonabnormal: not your usual breakfast
damonabnormal: cos she was more like a beauty queen...
damonabnormal: If a cow eats a mescaline worm will it hallucinate?
damonabnormal: The complainer
damonabnormal: Emily and her Kat
damonabnormal: CIPRO paste up
damonabnormal: carrying it all on his back...
damonabnormal: woodpeckers and pink panthers on Girard
damonabnormal: visualizing art beyond dumpsters
damonabnormal: more TV toonz around the gates of Fishtown
damonabnormal: grouchically suessical
damonabnormal: prowlerbusses
damonabnormal: Man, Shaggys time in Fishtown has him looking strung out
damonabnormal: El Art Display #23
damonabnormal: What's up Doc? (aka You wanna score some heroin and go to club oz yo?)
damonabnormal: cipro crunch
damonabnormal: pasteup panel under the el
damonabnormal: Tweety Bird and a Goddess
damonabnormal: Yogi Bear and Daffy Duck on their way to Club Oz...
damonabnormal: Don't Bomb When Your The Bomb!
damonabnormal: heya rocky, wanna get some krispy kremez?
damonabnormal: Bambi in Fishtown....