damonabnormal: Shep paste up... 6th & Reed Streets
damonabnormal: Visual Disobedience (|ˌdisəˈbēdēəns|)
damonabnormal: hope springs eternal
damonabnormal: OBEY love not war
damonabnormal: OBEY @ Girard Ave & N Taney Street
damonabnormal: OBEY the man
damonabnormal: she is watching over us all...
damonabnormal: OBEY video surveillance paranioa
damonabnormal: OBEY lipstick
damonabnormal: OBEY love, not guns...
damonabnormal: good background for this sticker...
damonabnormal: standing there and visualizing immersion into the art itself.......
damonabnormal: OBEY GIANT
damonabnormal: OBEY/N Korean advance
damonabnormal: Obey Love, Not War....
damonabnormal: Obey > Beard
damonabnormal: the Human argument?
damonabnormal: jealousy breeds contempt
damonabnormal: stoicism |ˈstō-iˌsizəm|
damonabnormal: Dark Clouds (slowly covering Andre The Giant)
damonabnormal: Obey Pittsburgh
damonabnormal: Oeby Tune-Ups & brakes!
damonabnormal: Obey @ the 'Wonder Years' wall
damonabnormal: Obey_Neg1_Fuji FP-3000b
damonabnormal: 1228 Frankford // Obeyification underway
damonabnormal: Obey Fishtown
damonabnormal: chatting
damonabnormal: 1228 Frankford In Progress