damonabnormal: teaserphoto2 : HBPWC
damonabnormal: teaser photo : HBPWC
damonabnormal: Final Teaser Photo : HBPWC
damonabnormal: making time stand still
damonabnormal: Some of the Trophy Bike Garage crew look on...
damonabnormal: Hangers On aka "The Brooklyn Contingent"
damonabnormal: diggin them wheel cova'z
damonabnormal: the shortest distance
damonabnormal: Make that shot count lad!
damonabnormal: spectators take in the on court action
damonabnormal: congenial
damonabnormal: 2 this way - 1 that way
damonabnormal: things getting a bit complicated
damonabnormal: bunching
damonabnormal: Via Bike chap...
damonabnormal: in the pen
damonabnormal: Letting it rip
damonabnormal: tending the goal...
damonabnormal: passing
damonabnormal: aggressor