damonabnormal: B.F. Goodrich headbage
damonabnormal: an old yellow raleigh...
damonabnormal: vintage bicycle horn
damonabnormal: Bicycle Fetish Day, Williamsburg NYC... May 9 2009
damonabnormal: the block party is on...
damonabnormal: getting the rumble on...
damonabnormal: the band discussing the set between songs...
damonabnormal: rippin' some hot notes!!!
damonabnormal: you don't wanna mess with this chick man...
damonabnormal: making it look easy...
damonabnormal: turnin' heads!
damonabnormal: gettin' the funk out!!!
damonabnormal: make way for the mini-bike people...
damonabnormal: lined up
damonabnormal: yeahhhhhh buddy!!!