damonabnormal: just opened Daffodil
damonabnormal: magnolia bokeh
damonabnormal: morning dew
damonabnormal: stōïkos
damonabnormal: cherry blossoms : 3rd and Arch
damonabnormal: Franklin Square Fountain : Opening Day 2009
damonabnormal: Dafftitude Like Totally!!!
damonabnormal: beauty & bokeh
damonabnormal: the other side of a dream...
damonabnormal: beautiful!!!!
damonabnormal: Oi! You callin' me Daff mate?!
damonabnormal: my missus bathed in yellow springtime forsythia
damonabnormal: potential for flowering is present here
damonabnormal: Things are just getting started
damonabnormal: Springtime is in the air
damonabnormal: The Magnolia's are blossoming round here...
damonabnormal: Springtime is popping up... despite this weather.
damonabnormal: it grows...
damonabnormal: beauty in decline
damonabnormal: hanging garden
damonabnormal: bursting forth
damonabnormal: purple cones of visual pleasure
damonabnormal: reddishness
damonabnormal: easteresque display of natures beauty
damonabnormal: Who you calling Ugly!?
damonabnormal: Uglies love Easter too!
damonabnormal: hovering daf(ness)
damonabnormal: poised for a bright future