damonabnormal: No Such thing aka screw Fox News
damonabnormal: screw the moguls...
damonabnormal: We love New York!
damonabnormal: Post No Bills
damonabnormal: Ladiez of the evening shall we say?
damonabnormal: static of the mind
damonabnormal: Dreamstate
damonabnormal: Confusion!
damonabnormal: Come in Come out
damonabnormal: NJT railside graff
damonabnormal: nobody is laughing anymore...
damonabnormal: all she saw was darkness... and then, nothing...
damonabnormal: in the thrall of benevolence
damonabnormal: if you feel this way why didn't you tell me?
damonabnormal: One morning in October...
damonabnormal: the fruits of her struggles were at hand...
damonabnormal: couple of cardinals and a criminal
damonabnormal: Man, you should have not given Kermit those pills.
damonabnormal: Dark Clouds in NYC
damonabnormal: Phone Booth Jazz
damonabnormal: Well then I guess I am dead already...