damonabnormal: The Thomsons on their way to NYC @ 8:45AM
damonabnormal: kickin' back on a new NJT train
damonabnormal: Penn Station crowds
damonabnormal: Empire State!
damonabnormal: vaulted ceilings
damonabnormal: up on the bridge!
damonabnormal: Scott and Holly
damonabnormal: Lower Manhattan as viewed from the middle of the Brooklyn Bridge
damonabnormal: Manhattan side bridge piers
damonabnormal: Me on the Brooklyn Bridge
damonabnormal: Brooklyn Bridge Lampost
damonabnormal: the view up from Wall Street
damonabnormal: A r t D e c o to the max
damonabnormal: Bull on Wall Street
damonabnormal: Wall Street towers...
damonabnormal: Lower Manhattan
damonabnormal: sunken bowl of steps
damonabnormal: articulated MTA bus
damonabnormal: walking around lower manhattan
damonabnormal: making a point
damonabnormal: interplay of shadows and light upon brick and iron
damonabnormal: Goofin'
damonabnormal: admiring the Paulaner in front of you... in a bar on Wall St.
damonabnormal: Pearl Diner
damonabnormal: Fulton Fish Market : closed
damonabnormal: admiring beauty
damonabnormal: two bridges and brooklyn
damonabnormal: Beaver in New York
damonabnormal: bitchin' sign