damonabnormal: radioman on post
damonabnormal: on the run...
damonabnormal: lookout
damonabnormal: PS35 on patrol @ dusk
damonabnormal: PS35 on patrol @ Dusk (from another angle)
damonabnormal: ranger patrol
damonabnormal: caught in a firefight
damonabnormal: sniper ambush
damonabnormal: taking aim
damonabnormal: PS48.jpg
damonabnormal: on the run
damonabnormal: foot soldier
damonabnormal: traffic patrol
damonabnormal: under fire
damonabnormal: sub-machine gunner
damonabnormal: cliff lookout
damonabnormal: urban warfare
damonabnormal: radioman
damonabnormal: taking you out
damonabnormal: @home00
damonabnormal: obscured
damonabnormal: photo realistic approach
damonabnormal: lil pink soldier guarding the crane arts building
damonabnormal: new PSMP manifesto style
damonabnormal: here's my card....
damonabnormal: stop-war stencil
damonabnormal: lil-fella
damonabnormal: guarding the oil pipelines