matt "smooth tooth" knoth:
Spanish Shawl Sea Slug
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist):
Polycera atra (light form juvenile) on Membranipora bryozoan on giant kelp
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist):
Veined Tree Frog - Trachycephalus typhonius
Poli Maurizio:
Architecture of sea1
Reflecting on life before Trump.
Gulo Gulo Gulo:
Cracker Lake (Glacier Nat'l Park)
Closely Shaven Dreamscape
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist):
Hermissenda opalescens
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist):
Diaphoreolis lagunae
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist):
Antiopella barbarensis (extreme northern end of range)
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist):
Antiopella barbarensis
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist):
Leostyletus misakiensis (large, about 3/4" long) depositing egg mass
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist):
Phyllaplysia taylori (chosen for EXPLORE)
Jeff Sullivan (
Blue Hour Pine
Pink is the New Black
Woah there tiger
Learning the Trade