damoN475photos: Flinders st station
damoN475photos: Xtrap 120-119-56-55
damoN475photos: CDC Melbourne Bus #77
damoN475photos: Siemens and hitachi
damoN475photos: outbound Hitachi
damoN475photos: 1101-1201
damoN475photos: 7009 7016-7008
damoN475photos: 7014-7010 N456-N-N
damoN475photos: City Bound Comeng
damoN475photos: Siemens arriving
damoN475photos: 1135-1335-1235-11-13-12
damoN475photos: 1245-1345-1145-1113-1213
damoN475photos: Unidentified Velocity 5 Car
damoN475photos: N462-H Set
damoN475photos: N473-N and VL22
damoN475photos: 3 velocities lined up
damoN475photos: 1118-1218
damoN475photos: VL42 and 7009-70
damoN475photos: N468-N473-N455
damoN475photos: N464-SN1-PCJ491
damoN475photos: Comeng at Nth Melb
damoN475photos: Comeng 630M with Connex stripes
damoN475photos: Buildings At Central
damoN475photos: Balloons
damoN475photos: More Balloons
damoN475photos: N459-BTN-FN9
damoN475photos: VLs 56,43 and 54 in background