TheOneAndOnlyMarcusStone: Good Girl's Twelve Babes of Christmas: # 1-Delia Ronmark
TheOneAndOnlyMarcusStone: Good Girl's Twelve Babes of Christmas: #2 Geralyn Yorkiv
TheOneAndOnlyMarcusStone: Good Girl's Twelve Babes of Christmas: #3 Sky
TheOneAndOnlyMarcusStone: Good Girl's Twelve Babes of Christmas: #4 Lin Aeon
TheOneAndOnlyMarcusStone: Good Girl's Twelve Babes of Christmas: #5 Freya Leif Viluf,Jack Blankes & Tupper Moran
TheOneAndOnlyMarcusStone: Good Girl's Twelve Babes of Christmas: #7 Niki Starspear
TheOneAndOnlyMarcusStone: Good Girl's Twelve Babes of Christmas: #11 Debi Dastardly,Curvaceous Loon,Amiee Snoodles and Mariya
TheOneAndOnlyMarcusStone: Good Girl's Twelve Babes of Christmas: #12 Debi Dastardly