christy_yee: wakeys
christy_yee: contacts. blink blink.
christy_yee: i "made" the bed
christy_yee: morning bathroom disinfect
christy_yee: let me in!
christy_yee: i said LET ME IN!!!!
christy_yee: on the blogroll - in vino veritas
christy_yee: callie's brekkie
christy_yee: callie's brekkie II
christy_yee: kona's brekkie
christy_yee: shumai's brekkie
christy_yee: chocofish brings the deer's brekkie
christy_yee: feeding time at the pond
christy_yee: nothing for breakfast
christy_yee: nothing for breakfast II
christy_yee: kona wakes up
christy_yee: sibling rivalry
christy_yee: blooming on my street
christy_yee: morning on my street
christy_yee: he obviously can't read ...
christy_yee: ... the SIGN!
christy_yee: laundry
christy_yee: lockout?
christy_yee: wiki how sez