Damien James:
Damien James:
(the twins of perceptual conception)
Damien James:
(palandromic side to every story)
Damien James:
Damien James:
(finally sick and tired)
Damien James:
(thickly swelling target)
Damien James:
(defacing self)
Damien James:
(itching at the edge of oblivion)
Damien James:
Damien James:
(the unbearable lightness of seeing)
Damien James:
(opposition to advance)
Damien James:
(the unbearable slightness of being)
Damien James:
(weighing options)
Damien James:
Damien James:
(towering glower)
Damien James:
(proper torpor)
Damien James:
Damien James:
(long arm of the law)
Damien James:
(at least two sides of human nature)
Damien James:
Damien James:
Damien James:
(only smiling on the outside)
Damien James:
(glancing on the feeling)
Damien James:
Damien James:
(breaking ground)
Damien James:
(air guitar in the bedroom at night)
Damien James:
(if a tree falls in the forest)
Damien James:
(secret self)
Damien James:
(wholly trinity)
Damien James: