Damanhur, Federation of Communities: Perspective and Inspiration
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: Working together in the Sacred Woods
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: Chestnut and Mushroom season
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: What are the healing properties of red?
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: Being healthy is the environment. It is the thoughts you have. It is the forms around you.
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: Good morning Tempio Vegetale!
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: Do you flow with change?
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: Looking out over the Labyrinths
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: Walking the labyrinth
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: Nature needs no words #DamanhurTempioVegetale #contactplantworld
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: What can you find in a Temple dedicated to vegetable world?
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: On this path, awareness leads to joy, to the divine humor that comes from Understanding. #researchexperimentation
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: It begins with a pilgrimage
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: Sustainability is not just alternative energy
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: Sacred Woods Labyrinth
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: The flowers are blooming in the Sacred Woods
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: This is our Climate Change
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: Known as Pimpinella (Italian), we introduce Burnet
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: Erba Viperina, AKA Viper's Bugloss or Blueweed (Echium vulgare) flowers start pink and turn vivid blue http://ow.ly/vGLj2 #researchexperiementation #createsustainability #trees #plants #herbs
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: What do you know about Nettle?
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: The beautiful 'Lonicera Caprifolium',
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: We want to restore a natural balance to the Sacred Woods
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: Laurel wreathes once crowned the heads of ancient heroes
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: What are the benefits of walking a labyrinth?
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: As part of our #Biodiversity project in the Sacred Woods, we introduce you to Knautia Arvensis, AKA Field Scabious:
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: An ecological vision – in addition to cultivating respect for nature – is a way to increase the awareness of how we as human beings are deeply connected with every element of life that surrounds us.
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: Bright and sunny Cowslip, also known as Primula - adding to the #Biodiversity in the Sacred Woods