Damanhur, Federation of Communities:
Selfic pendulum for tree orientation
Damanhur, Federation of Communities:
Brooklyn Botanical Gardens
Damanhur, Federation of Communities:
Plants from the Bard's imagination
Damanhur, Federation of Communities:
Shakespeare's Garden
Damanhur, Federation of Communities:
Orienting Bonsai
Damanhur, Federation of Communities:
Damanhur, Federation of Communities:
Alex Grey and Esperide Ananas
Damanhur, Federation of Communities:
CoSM in upstate Ney York
Damanhur, Federation of Communities:
All happy now
Damanhur, Federation of Communities:
Where art meets nature
Damanhur, Federation of Communities:
Deeper into the Woods
Damanhur, Federation of Communities:
Sacred Spirals
Damanhur, Federation of Communities:
Let's get started
Damanhur, Federation of Communities:
Another orienting day done
Damanhur, Federation of Communities:
Going up to find more trees
Damanhur, Federation of Communities:
One giant oriented tree
Damanhur, Federation of Communities:
We start in the south and work our way up
Damanhur, Federation of Communities:
Working by sections
Damanhur, Federation of Communities:
All trees are welcome
Damanhur, Federation of Communities:
Look... more trees to orient
Damanhur, Federation of Communities:
Breathtaking and oriented!
Damanhur, Federation of Communities:
The view from the trees
Damanhur, Federation of Communities:
Colorful nature family
Damanhur, Federation of Communities:
A Rainbow Eucalyptus
Damanhur, Federation of Communities:
Here we go, round the tree
Damanhur, Federation of Communities:
Orienters ready?
Damanhur, Federation of Communities:
Picking a first tree
Damanhur, Federation of Communities:
Preparing the instruments
Damanhur, Federation of Communities:
Orienting Central Park
Damanhur, Federation of Communities:
A happy NYC tree