Damanhur, Federation of Communities: Happy Birthday Marcella!
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: grape harvesting fun
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: Istrice grape picking
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: Iguana hauls a load of grapes
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: material for growing
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: Rospo in the greenhouse
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: Greetings from the earth house
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: Chores = community play time
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: Sunday morning community chores
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: Come see our honey bees
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: Checking the honey production
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: Give me something electrical
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: Experimental "Earth House"
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: Take care and respect the bees!
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: There is a hope for mankind
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: Variety is more than just the spice of life, it nourishes us! #createsustainability
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: Matter cannot chain me! #spiritualvision #noattachments
Damanhur, Federation of Communities: Differences can be embraced and different talents incorporated into one dream. Do you believe? #livecommunity