diannlroy.com: Guinness is Good
diannlroy.com: Guinness is better in Ireland
diannlroy.com: B & B where we stayed
diannlroy.com: Sights on a walk to the City Centre of Limerick
diannlroy.com: Sights on a walk to the City Centre of Limerick
diannlroy.com: Sights on a walk to the City Centre of Limerick
diannlroy.com: Sights on a walk to the City Centre of Limerick
diannlroy.com: Seaman's Memorial on Shannon River at Limerick
diannlroy.com: The River Shannon towards the Northeast
diannlroy.com: Two Swans on the Shannon River
diannlroy.com: A Bunch of Swans
diannlroy.com: Saga of the dog and the Swans
diannlroy.com: Got it!
diannlroy.com: Swan on the Shannon River
diannlroy.com: dog loves to retrieve the bottle
diannlroy.com: Yippee!
diannlroy.com: The dog is happy
diannlroy.com: Swans get curious and decide to check it
diannlroy.com: They think the dog has food
diannlroy.com: Hear we go again
diannlroy.com: A bottle? where is the food?
diannlroy.com: Bah! humbug!
diannlroy.com: St John's Castle
diannlroy.com: The Mucky Duck Pub
diannlroy.com: Looks to be a Polish Pub
diannlroy.com: Katy Daly's --- Yet another colorful pub
diannlroy.com: Artillery n front of St John's Castle
diannlroy.com: Medieval style structures on King's Island
diannlroy.com: Let's hear it for the Cattle Trough People
diannlroy.com: Counting House