dalmond: Hiding
dalmond: Office Alone
dalmond: smoking chair
dalmond: Green and Lonely
dalmond: On the way out
dalmond: MacHall Parkade
dalmond: ICT Elmo
dalmond: Yonge couch
dalmond: Lonely Chair
dalmond: Rolling blue
dalmond: Queen's Park station chair
dalmond: "I just lost a wheel"
dalmond: lost red chair
dalmond: Did you do it? We have ways...
dalmond: Red Chair: Free
dalmond: Bus stop chair
dalmond: Odd
dalmond: Flower Print and Alone
dalmond: Under the expressway
dalmond: I have no legs
dalmond: Small Blue Chair
dalmond: Heading out
dalmond: End of the natural store
dalmond: Alcorn Lonely
dalmond: A bit ragged
dalmond: Pink couch
dalmond: Chair with hydrant
dalmond: Orange Swivel
dalmond: Desk Chair
dalmond: Roof Chair