Dallis Bros. Coffee: Old Picture Dallis
Dallis Bros. Coffee: Herb and Morris Dallis
Dallis Bros. Coffee: Herb and Morris Dallis and the factory team
Dallis Bros. Coffee: Herb and Morris Dallis
Dallis Bros. Coffee: David Dallis
Dallis Bros. Coffee: Morris Dallis - 100-30 Atlantic Avenue
Dallis Bros. Coffee: Saturday, June 28th, 1930
Dallis Bros. Coffee: Atlantic Avenue in the old days
Dallis Bros. Coffee: 102nd Street
Dallis Bros. Coffee: 676 LI Station - Woodhaven Junction Atlantic Div April 3rd 1916
Dallis Bros. Coffee: Bar & Grill
Dallis Bros. Coffee: Girl, boys and a horse
Dallis Bros. Coffee: Man and boy on Atlantic Avenue
Dallis Bros. Coffee: Inside of the factory in the old days
Dallis Bros. Coffee: Marcelo and Herb
Dallis Bros. Coffee: John and Herb
Dallis Bros. Coffee: David and Martha Bear Dallis cupping coffees
Dallis Bros. Coffee: Dallis Bros. Coffee Perfection Blend can
Dallis Bros. Coffee: Morris Dallis
Dallis Bros. Coffee: sc0007478101
Dallis Bros. Coffee: sc0007478102
Dallis Bros. Coffee: sc0007478103
Dallis Bros. Coffee: sc000761cc01
Dallis Bros. Coffee: sc000761cc02
Dallis Bros. Coffee: sc000761cc03