dallee: entering the canyon
dallee: Patsy leaning out the window on the way down into the canyon
dallee: at our picnic site
dallee: Lighthouse in the distance
dallee: berries
dallee: Lighthouse in the distance
dallee: The Lighthouse story
dallee: Horned Toad!
dallee: Lighthouse or bust
dallee: Lighthouse
dallee: trail
dallee: Spanish skirts
dallee: rock formation
dallee: warnings
dallee: Patsy Daisy in the canyon
dallee: canyon view
dallee: view
dallee: Patsy at the canyon
dallee: Jr & Patsy
dallee: view
dallee: windmill
dallee: centipede
dallee: centipede
dallee: rock formation
dallee: lion rock
dallee: tarantula!
dallee: tarantula!
dallee: at the top
dallee: @ the canyon
dallee: @ the canyon